Dear Farmers and Food Producers:

We are looking forward to our 5th annual Fill Your Pantry Market this November and hope you will join us again as a vendor! The date will be Saturday November 2nd, from 2-6 pm at the Rockford Grange, 4262 Barrett Drive in Hood River.

We are opening up “Early Bird” registration to Rockford Grange member farmers and previous year’s vendors. To register early, please complete this registration form and return it with your vendor fee by September 8th. After that date, registration will be open first come first serve. The vendor fee remains unchanged from last year and is $50 (or $35 for Rockford Grange members). If you are interested in joining the Grange please get in touch about membership. This year you may complete your registration form and payment online, if you prefer, by visiting

Vendor registration is not complete until we’ve received your completed form and payment. If we do not confirm your registration within 7 days of sending it, please contact us to confirm receipt.
Registration forms and payments can be submitted online

or sent by mail to:

Rockford Grange,
4262 Barrett Drive, Hood River, OR 97031

Please make checks payable to Rockford Grange

As in past years, the Fill Your Pantry Market remains focused on connecting our community of eaters with farmer-grown storage crops. It is a “bulk buying” event where people stocking up can expect some discounts for bulk (volume) purchases. Please be prepared to help customers understand the storage life of your products and best storage practices so that they can have a good experience with their purchases.

Below are a few guidelines for all vendors on market day:

·      Please protect the upstairs flooring inside, especially of you have wet / drippy produce. 

·      You will need to provide your own tables and signs clearly stating your business name, location (city, state), and product prices, including any bulk discounts you can offer.

·      Please offer customers tips and information for success in storing the products they buy from you

·      Please help us promote this event via social media and/or sharing with your customer lists, etc

·      Please encourage shoppers to visit vendors in all areas—upstairs, downstairs and outside. 

·      It is the vendor’s responsibility to follow the laws that govern the sale of your type of products (ie. Labelling, processing)

·      Vendor set up opens at noon (can set up, leave for lunch, and return) but must begin set up by 1:15. Doors open promptly at 2 and in past years we’ve had crowds waiting outside to enter.

·      On market day, after unloading, please move your vehicle to the designated vendor parking area.

·      We are again planning to raffle 4 assorted harvest baskets as a fundraiser for the Grange. This will help us support Grange programs like the Fill Your Pantry Market, Farm Film Fest, Seed Share and more. We are hoping each vendor will donate food items to fill the baskets (storable/non-perishable if possible. Approx value $10-$20). This will also be a great opportunity to showcase your products and promote your businesses. Some donations may be used to thank the musicians as well.

For vendors who wish to sell wild-harvested mushrooms and other foraged products, we have additional guidelines. Mushrooms, herbs, plants, or wild berries must be legally gathered from public or private land by the vendor. Vendors wishing to sell wild mushrooms must:

·      List each type of mushroom by common and scientific name on their vendor registration form.

·      List training and experience in mushroom collection

·      On market day, signage must accurately identify all mushrooms and if they are wild-crafted or cultivated

·      On market day, vendors must prominently display mushroom safety information

We look forward to another great market day! Please get in touch if you have any questions.

Thank you,

Barb Williams,, 541-399-2640
Bonnie Cox
Aera Atkins
Becki Montgomery
Barb Williams
Aurora del Val
Jeff Jerome
Shannon Perry
Beth Hartwell

Fill Your Pantry Planning Committee

Print this page and fill out the form below

Vendor Registration: Fill Your Pantry Market 2018   
Sat. Nov 2nd, 2-6 pm at Rockford Grange, Hood River


Vendor Contact Information

Farm/Business Name

Owner Name (s)

Mailing address



Farm/Business website


Product Information

Brief Farm Description (please include any certifications or practice descriptions that would be useful to customers)


Products available for sale at Fill Your Pantry Market


Do you plan to offer discounts for bulk purchases?


Other Notes and Requirements  

Vendor Notes or Questions  

We ask that vendors provide their own tables. If your space is outdoors. You will also need to provide a canopy. Do you have any special requests or special needs? Continue on back if more space is needed.

This year vendor spaces will be upstairs, downstairs, and outside. If you have a preference, please indicate it here? As space allows, we will do our best to honor your preferences.

If you are selling wild-harvested products, especially mushrooms, please use the back of this form to 1) List each type of mushroom by common and scientific name and 2) List your training and experience in mushroom collection.

Do you plan to also sell at the Hood River Weekly Market on Sat Nov 2nd? If so, we will work to coordinate set-up logistics with you before market day.

What product(s) might you be able to donate for the Grange Raffle Harvest Baskets? Could we collect these ahead of market day?

We look forward to having you join us at the 5th Annual Fill Your Pantry Market. Please get in touch with any questions you may have: Barb Williams, , 541-399-2640